You can now undertake training as a “Solidarity Diver” and dive with SoliDive. In Spain we have several associated Solidarity Diving Centers, where we provide accredited training for all of the international diving qualifications, as well as the additional, world-exclusive qualification of “Solidarity Diver”. Participants receive specialized training on the social topics of International Cooperation and Responsible Tourism.
In addition, when you sign up to one of our diving courses, you are contributing (without any additional cost) to the improved quality of life of people in impoverished countries or zones, as, for each student, these centers will make an economic donation to SoliDive towards the development of its activities.
If you would like to receive more information about our courses, dates or costs, please contact us (click here).
Associated Solidarity Diving Clubs and Centers:
Posidonia Ecosports (Alicante) / ZOEA (Madrid-Murcia)